Ann Gudegast Fund for the Bristol Boys & Girls Club
Ann Gudegast established this fund in 2023 to provide annual funding to the Boys & Girls Club of Bristol in support of programs and services that will assist young women and girls in developing healthy lifestyles, including nutrition, self-confidence, financial literacy, education attainment and participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learning opportunities.
A lifelong resident of Bristol, Connecticut, Ann attended Immanuel Lutheran School and spent much of her after school time at the Bristol Girls Club where she developed friendships, attended summer camp and learned to cook and sew. Both of her parents worked, and living so close to the Club afforded her the opportunity to benefit from the many programs offered. Ann stated that “Of all the things I’ve been grateful for in my life, one of them would definitely be the Girls Club.”
Leaving a legacy was very important to Ann because she wanted to provide the same help and opportunities she was given when she was growing up. She believes that providing gender-specific programs for young women and girls benefits all individuals throughout their lifetime.
Ann spent fifteen years as a cost accountant at New Departure in Bristol, a General Motors Company until she earned her guidance, teaching and sixth year degrees in education from Central Connecticut State University. She then spent twenty-three years teaching business classes at Wolcott High School. When she was not teaching, she lent her accounting expertise to help with the financial affairs of her church and participated in the choir. Additionally, she made time in her schedule for golf and tennis as a twenty-year member of Chippanee Golf Club.

Ann Gudegast