Grant Reporting Forms
Main Street Community Foundation is proud to have made a grant to your organization and looks forward to receiving a summary of the program or project that was funded. The information provided is valuable in helping the Foundation learn about the effectiveness of its grant making.
With each grant your organization is awarded, we ask that you complete a final report no later than one year from receipt of the grant check. Your report should be submitted online via our Online Grants Center. You will find instructions to complete your final report on your Applicant Dashboard after you have logged in.
To complete your Final Report, log into the Online Grants Center using your email and password. If you can’t remember the password, choose the “Forgot your Password?” link. Instructions to complete the Final Report are located at the top of the Applicant Dashboard page. Please take note of the final report deadline as the online grants center will lock access to the final report after the deadline has passed.
If you have any questions about the process, contact Kate Kerchaert by emailing or calling 860-583-6363.
Communicating Your Grant Award
We encourage our grantees to publicize grants from the Main Street Community Foundation to share information about your organization’s work and role in the community. If you do decide to publicize your grant in any way, we welcome copies of publications or media coverage that mentioned the grant.
Main Street Community Foundation provides publicity guidelines intended to assist in the communication of your grant. In addition, here are some specifics to help you publicize your grant:
- News releases and newsletter/website stories: To assist with a basic announcement, a short, sample news release/newsletter story is available.
- The Foundation's name: Main Street Community Foundation. “The” does not precede the name on lists, plaques or initial use in stories but any subsequent references in articles can say “the Main Street Community Foundation.”
- Specific funds: A grant from a specific fund at the Main Street Community Foundation should be noted in any announcement. For example, “This program was made possible by a grant from the Jane E. Doe Fund at the Main Street Community Foundation.” The fund name appears in the grant award letter.
- The Foundation's logo: To request permission to use our logo, please contact Samantha Rajotte at 860.583.6363 or
- Plaques/signs: Before finalizing language for a plaque or sign, please submit it for approval to Susan Sadecki at
- Photos: Adding photos to your stories and articles will help showcase the personal and important efforts of your organization and the grant that has been provided. We welcome photos for use in our communications. Digital photos are preferred and please submit a brief description of the photo. We can only use photos for which there are signed releases from all parties in the photo permitting its use. If you wish to use our photo release form, click here.