Burlington Community Fund Leads Collection of Used Instruments, Awards Grant to Refurbish Them
(June 24, 2016) - Students in the fourth grade in Regional School District #10 are given the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument, to make music and experience everything that goes along with it. However, many families cannot afford to buy or rent an instrument for their child and Region 10 has few available to borrow. To help out, the Burlington Community Fund at Main Street Community Foundation decided to not only lead a collection of unwanted, used musical instruments for Region 10 but to award a $1,000 grant to the Music Department to refurbish them.
“The idea to begin this program came from a member of the Fund’s Advisory Committee,” stated Janet Schwartz, Chair of the Burlington Community Fund Advisory Committee. “She is the parent of an elementary school student and not only saw the need for instruments but saw the impact that playing one could have.”
The collection of instruments began at the Johnnycake Music Festival, which was recently hosted by the Burlington Lions Club. Through June 22, 2016, nine instruments have been donated by local residents. After they are refurbished, they will be available to all Region 10 students.
Musical instrument donations can be brought to Regional School District #10 or the First Selectman’s office at Burlington Town Hall.
“May all students who wish to play be able to play!” said Janet Schwartz.
The Burlington Community Fund was founded in 2011 by a group of committed community leaders in Burlington to create an endowment fund to support charitable projects and programs that will enhance the quality of life for their neighbors.