Corliss Fund for the Bristol Family Resource Centers
This designated fund was established to honor Carol Corliss and all the families she served during her 17 years as a Lead Parent Educator for Bristol Family Resource Centers (FRCs). She wanted to ensure that there would always be funds available to support families. FRC services are available to parents beginning at the birth of their child through eighth grade with the mission to create strong school-family-community partnerships to ensure children thrive. Families come from all income levels including many families living at or below the poverty level. The motto is “All Families….All Kids” because no one is turned away in need of help and support. FRC services include parenting education, developmental screenings, home visiting, positive youth development activities, literacy programs, resources and referrals, along with assistance for basic needs, such as winter clothing, holiday or back to school sponsorship, including a weekly Food Backpack program. Bristol FRCs are located in three of the largest, high needs schools in Bristol and are solely grant funded.