Community Impact

Grantee Focus Group Identifies Funding Priorities for Women & Girls Fund

June 2024 - Published in: 2023 Annual Report - Meeting the specific needs of the community is an important aspect of MSCF’s work, and sometimes the best way to find out those needs is to simply ask and listen. During the summer of 2023, MSCF brought together over twenty grantee organizations and community partners that specifically serve women and girls and asked them what they see as the most pressing needs. The discussion was led by MSCF President & CEO Susan Sadecki, as well as the Women & Girls Fund Advisory Board Chair Jessica Pieri Holdsworth, and also gave organizations the opportunity to connect with each other and potentially collaborate on the identified needs.

Three issue areas rose to the top for nearly every organization: Services for senior women, confidence building and leadership, and mental health and well-being. The Women & Girls Fund Advisory Board together with MSCF staff decided to prioritize these areas during the Fund’s fall grant cycle. The result was $50,500 in grants awarded. The grants awarded can be found here: